
Discipline is an integral part of the learning process. If a student is to develop self-control he/she must be trained to bridle his/her emotions and impulses, thereby enabling him/her to live in harmony with others, to respect the traditions of his/her family, to keep the laws of the country and to obey the commandments of God.

All the students shall make themselves acquainted with the rules and regulations notified for their conduct. Ignorance of the rules will not be accepted as an excuse for their violation.

Students should be polite and courteous and appropriately greet their teachers, elders and other respectable persons when they meet them. They should also greet one another.

All the students shall be in the school premises a few minutes before the morning bell. At the first warning bell, all shall gather, in silence, at the specified place for the morning assembly/class. Prayers must be said with due respect and devotion. After the assembly all should go in an orderly manner to their respective classrooms. The second bell marks the beginning of the session.

In the afternoon, students must be in their classrooms at the first bell. Classes begin at the second bell.

All shall remain silent and study till the teacher comes to the class. When the teacher enters the class room, pupils shall stand up, greet him/her and remain there till they are asked to sit.

Students shall keep silence and decorum in the classes. During the absence of a teacher, they shall not leave their classroom nor or their seats; nor shall they make noise.

Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed. When passing along the corridors during class hours, students shall keep silence.

No student shall enter any classroom other than his/her own without permission. They may change their places in the class room only with the permission of the class teacher.

SPEAKING IN ENGLISH IS COMPULSORY at the school, on the school campus, in the school bus-and at the bus- stops while waiting to board the bus.

Discourtesy and disrespect to the members of the school staff in any form will be viewed seriously and students responsible for such misbehaviour are liable to be dismissed.

No student will be sent with a relative/stranger unless a responsible person comes to fetch him/her with a note of authorization from his/her parent/guardian.

Reading materials like books, newspapers, periodicals, comics etc. may not be brought to the school without the previous sanction of the Class Teacher. Film magazines, pornographic books, and such other items are not allowed in the school campus. Transistor radios, electronic equipments, Mobile phones, Toys etc. should not be brought to school.

No collection of any kind shall be made in the school.All collections must be done through the office.

No meeting, party or picnic or any kind of organised school activity shall be arranged without the approval of the principal/ H.M.

It is not advisable for students to have too much money or expensive watches, gold ornaments, fountain pens etc., in their possession. The school authorities will not be responsible for the loss of such articles. Students are not allowed to wear bangles and rings.

Students shall be responsible for the safe custody of their belongings. As a precautionary measure it is suggested that they have their names inscribed on articles like tiffin carriers, umbrellas, school bags, etc.

Lost articles must be claimed from the school office within a week, after which period unclaimed articles will be disposed of.

Any damage caused to the property of the school must be immediately reported to the Principal and will have to be made good.

The class rooms, corridors and the school premises shall be kept neat and clean. Waste paper or other waste materials must always be thrown into the waste boxes provided. They may always take care that the display boards, walls, furniture, black-boards, shelves etc., are kept neat and in order.

For a serious violation of any of the school regulations, a student may be temporarily suspended according to the discretion of the principal.

All our students are sincerely exhorted to cultivate the habit of daily morning and evening prayers. Catholic students are specially recommended to assist regularly at Holy Mass and to frequent the Sacraments and thus be witnesses to Christ in their daily lives by their good example. Catholic parents would do well to encourage their children in this matter.